Welcome to Martinez Gallery

Martinez Gallery is a contemporary art gallery that functions as a boutique enterprise for collectors and artists. Since its beginning in 2001, the Gallery has maintained a specialty in Latino art and promotion of Nuyorican artists.

The Gallery focuses on outstanding art at a good value; it advises clients who are experienced collectors or wish to start collections. The Gallery provides specialized services for clients who are in the Trade, designers and architects; work in real estate; or seek an independent curator for corporate spaces and non-profits.


By Eliezer Parrilla

By Barbara Masterson


Art Call for Photographers!

The Martinez Gallery is hosting an art call for an upcoming photography show. Visit the Artists section of our site for more information.


You may email or call to visit us by appointment.

We are open regularly on Saturdays from 12:30-4:00pm.


(518) 274-9377

We invite you to visit the Online Exhibitions; the link is found at the top of this page.

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